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Release versions

The Release versions page for provides comprehensive overview of their mobile application's performance across different versions. It offers real-time insights into crash rates, user adoption, and an overall performance score, enabling you to make informed decisions to enhance your app's stability and user experience.


To collect release version information for your mobile app, make sure your agent version is:

Viewing the release versions page

To view the release versions page go to one.newrelic.com > All capabilities > Mobile > (select an app) > Users > Release versions.

Understanding metrics

  • Crash Free Users: Easily track the percentage of users experiencing crashes for each app version, allowing you to identify trends and prioritize bug fixes.
  • User Adoption: Monitor how users are adopting new app versions, enabling you to measure the success of updates and features.
  • Overall Performance Score: Gain a holistic view of your app's health through an objective performance score, calculated using crash rates and HTTP error-free rates. When deployments are enabled for your app versions, Release versions goes a step further by displaying the release date for each version. This added feature provides additional context to your metrics, allowing you to correlate performance changes with specific release dates.

Version summary page

The Version Summary Page is where you can access in-depth insights and metrics for each specific app version. This page offers a comprehensive view of your application's performance by presenting a range of essential metrics. With easy-to-understand visualizations and detailed charts, the version summary page empowers you to analyze key performance indicators and make informed decisions to optimize your app's user experience. You can access the Version Summary Page for a specific app version by clicking on either the "View Summary" or "View Details" buttons associated with that version. Displayed metrics:

  • App Launches: The total number of times the app version has been launched.
  • Average Interaction Time: The average time users spend interacting with the app.
  • Average Memory Used: The average amount of memory consumed by the app.
  • Average Response Time: The average time taken by the app to respond to user actions.
  • Crash Rate: The percentage of app launches that result in crashes.
  • Error Rate: The percentage of app interactions that lead to errors.
  • HTTP Error Rate: The percentage of HTTP requests that result in errors.
  • Install Count: The total number of installations of the app version.
  • Network Failure Rate: The percentage of network requests that fail.
  • Request Count: The total number of HTTP requests made by the app.
  • Total Users: The total number of unique users who have interacted with the app version.
  • Upgrade Count: The total number of users who have upgraded to this app version. For each metric listed above, the version summary page includes a dynamic time series chart, allowing you to track the metric's performance over time. By observing trends, spikes, or drops in the chart, you can quickly identify patterns and correlations that can inform your decision-making.

Query version trend data

When querying with NRQL, we provide two attributes to help analyze version trend information:

  • To track when a session includes a new install or a new upgrade, use install. This attribute records true for new installations.
  • To track the last version of the mobile app when an upgrade is detected, use upgradeFrom. To use these attributes, make sure your version of our Android agent or iOS agent supports them.
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